About Lecture
List of slides
  1. Title
  2. The closure problem
  3. Triad interactions
  4. Two interacting triads
  5. The Kolmogorov Theory
  6. The theory and scaling of Kolmogorov(1)
  7. The theory and scaling of Kolmogorov(2)
  8. The energy spectrum of 3D turbulencd in some experiments at the Princeton Superpipe facillity
  9. Eddy turnover time
  10. The viscous scale and energy dissipation
  11. Two-Dimensional Turblence
  12. An energy-enstrophy consevation argument
  13. moving of the centroid of the energy spectrum in 2D flow
  14. Enstrophy inertial ranges in 2D turbulence
  15. The energy spectrum of two-dimensional turbulencd
  16. Predictability of turbalence
  17. Spectrum of a passive tracer
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