
Path: gtool/gtool_historyauto/historyautoaddweight.f90
Last Update: Sun May 10 21:19:18 +0900 2009


Settings of weights of axes.

Authors:Yasuhiro MORIKAWA
Version:$Id: historyautoaddweight.f90,v 1.1 2009-05-10 12:19:18 morikawa Exp $
Tag Name:$Name: gtool5-20090729 $
Copyright:Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2008-2009. All rights reserved.


Included Modules

gtool_historyauto_internal gtool_history dc_trace dc_error dc_types

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :
dim :character(*), intent(in)
: 座標重みを設定する座標の名称.

ただし, ここで指定するもの は, HistoryAutoCreate の dims 既に指定されていなければなりません.

Name of axis to which "weight" are set.

Note that this value must be set as "dims" of "HistoryAutoCreate".

weight(:) :real(DP), intent(in)
: 座標重みデータ.

データ型は整数, 単精度実数型, 倍精度実数型のどれでもかまいません. ただし, ファイルへ出力される際には, xtype もしくは座標データの型へと 変換されます.

Weight of axis.

Integer, single or double precision are acceptable as data type. Note that when this is output to a file, data type is converted into "xtype" or type of the axis.

units :character(*), intent(in), optional
: 座標重みの単位. 省略した場合には, 座標の単位が 使用されます.

Units of axis weight. If this argument is omitted, unit of the dimension is used.

xtype :character(*), intent(in), optional
: 座標重みのデータ型. 省略した場合には, 座標のデータ型が 使用されます.

Data type of weight of the dimension. If this argument is omitted, data type of the dimension is used.


Set weights of axes.


  subroutine HistoryAutoAddWeightDouble( dim, weight, units, xtype )
    ! 座標の重みデータを設定します. 
    ! Set weights of axes. 

    use gtool_historyauto_internal, only: initialized, numdims, numwgts, wgtsuf, gthst_axes, data_weights, gthst_weights
    use gtool_history, only: HistoryAxisInquire, HistoryAxisAddAttr, HistoryVarinfoCreate
    use dc_trace, only: BeginSub, EndSub
    use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, TOKEN

    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: dim
                              ! 座標重みを設定する座標の名称. 
                              ! ただし, ここで指定するもの
                              ! は, HistoryAutoCreate の *dims*
                              ! 既に指定されていなければなりません.
                              ! Name of axis to which "weight" are set. 
                              ! Note that this value must be set 
                              ! as "dims" of "HistoryAutoCreate". 
    real(DP), intent(in):: weight(:)
                              ! 座標重みデータ. 
                              ! データ型は整数, 単精度実数型, 
                              ! 倍精度実数型のどれでもかまいません. 
                              ! ただし, ファイルへ出力される際には, 
                              ! xtype もしくは座標データの型へと
                              ! 変換されます. 
                              ! Weight of axis. 
                              ! Integer, single or double precision are 
                              ! acceptable as data type. 
                              ! Note that when this is output to a file, 
                              ! data type is converted into "xtype" or 
                              ! type of the axis. 
    character(*), intent(in), optional:: units
                              ! 座標重みの単位. 
                              ! 省略した場合には, 座標の単位が
                              ! 使用されます. 
                              ! Units of axis weight.
                              ! If this argument is omitted, 
                              ! unit of the dimension is used. 
    character(*), intent(in),  optional:: xtype
                              ! 座標重みのデータ型. 
                              ! 省略した場合には, 座標のデータ型が
                              ! 使用されます. 
                              ! Data type of weight of the dimension. 
                              ! If this argument is omitted, 
                              ! data type of the dimension is used. 

    character(STRING):: name, longname
    character(TOKEN):: dim_units, dim_xtype
    integer:: dim_size
    integer:: stat, i
    character(STRING):: cause_c
    character(*), parameter:: subname = "HistoryAutoAddWeightDouble"
    call BeginSub(subname, 'dim=<%c>', c1=trim(dim) )
    stat = DC_NOERR
    cause_c = ""

    ! 初期設定チェック
    ! Check initialization
    if ( .not. initialized ) then
      stat = DC_ENOTINIT
      cause_c = 'gtool_historyauto'
      goto 999
    end if

    do i = 1, numdims
      call HistoryAxisInquire( axis = gthst_axes(i), name = name, size = dim_size, longname = longname, units = dim_units, xtype = dim_xtype )      ! (out)
      if ( trim(dim) == trim(name) ) then
        if ( dim_size /= size(weight) ) then
          stat = GT_EARGSIZEMISMATCH
          cause_c = 'weight'
        end if
        if ( present(units) ) dim_units = units
        if ( present(xtype) ) dim_xtype = xtype
        call HistoryVarinfoCreate( varinfo = gthst_weights(numwgts + 1), name = trim(dim) // wgtsuf, dims = (/ dim /), longname = 'weight for integration or average in ' // trim(longname), units = dim_units, xtype = dim_xtype )           ! (in)

        call HistoryAxisAddAttr( axis = gthst_axes(i), attrname = 'gt_calc_weight', value = trim(dim) // wgtsuf )  ! (in)

        allocate( data_weights(numwgts + 1) % a_axis( dim_size ) )
        data_weights(numwgts + 1) % a_axis = weight

        numwgts = numwgts + 1
        goto 999
      end if
    end do

    cause_c = dim
999 continue
    call StoreError(stat, subname, cause_c = cause_c)
    call EndSub(subname)
  end subroutine HistoryAutoAddWeightDouble
Subroutine :
dim :character(*), intent(in)
: 座標重みを設定する座標の名称.

ただし, ここで指定するもの は, HistoryAutoCreate の dims 既に指定されていなければなりません.

Name of axis to which "weight" are set.

Note that this value must be set as "dims" of "HistoryAutoCreate".

weight(:) :integer, intent(in)
: 座標重みデータ.

データ型は整数, 単精度実数型, 倍精度実数型のどれでもかまいません. ただし, ファイルへ出力される際には, xtype もしくは座標データの型へと 変換されます.

Weight of axis.

Integer, single or double precision are acceptable as data type. Note that when this is output to a file, data type is converted into "xtype" or type of the axis.

units :character(*), intent(in), optional
: 座標重みの単位. 省略した場合には, 座標の単位が 使用されます.

Units of axis weight. If this argument is omitted, unit of the dimension is used.

xtype :character(*), intent(in), optional
: 座標重みのデータ型. 省略した場合には, 座標のデータ型が 使用されます.

Data type of weight of the dimension. If this argument is omitted, data type of the dimension is used.


Set weights of axes.


  subroutine HistoryAutoAddWeightInt( dim, weight, units, xtype )
    ! 座標の重みデータを設定します. 
    ! Set weights of axes. 

    use gtool_historyauto_internal, only: initialized, numdims, numwgts, wgtsuf, gthst_axes, data_weights, gthst_weights
    use gtool_history, only: HistoryAxisInquire, HistoryAxisAddAttr, HistoryVarinfoCreate
    use dc_trace, only: BeginSub, EndSub
    use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, TOKEN

    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: dim
                              ! 座標重みを設定する座標の名称. 
                              ! ただし, ここで指定するもの
                              ! は, HistoryAutoCreate の *dims*
                              ! 既に指定されていなければなりません.
                              ! Name of axis to which "weight" are set. 
                              ! Note that this value must be set 
                              ! as "dims" of "HistoryAutoCreate". 
    integer, intent(in):: weight(:)
                              ! 座標重みデータ. 
                              ! データ型は整数, 単精度実数型, 
                              ! 倍精度実数型のどれでもかまいません. 
                              ! ただし, ファイルへ出力される際には, 
                              ! xtype もしくは座標データの型へと
                              ! 変換されます. 
                              ! Weight of axis. 
                              ! Integer, single or double precision are 
                              ! acceptable as data type. 
                              ! Note that when this is output to a file, 
                              ! data type is converted into "xtype" or 
                              ! type of the axis. 
    character(*), intent(in), optional:: units
                              ! 座標重みの単位. 
                              ! 省略した場合には, 座標の単位が
                              ! 使用されます. 
                              ! Units of axis weight.
                              ! If this argument is omitted, 
                              ! unit of the dimension is used. 
    character(*), intent(in),  optional:: xtype
                              ! 座標重みのデータ型. 
                              ! 省略した場合には, 座標のデータ型が
                              ! 使用されます. 
                              ! Data type of weight of the dimension. 
                              ! If this argument is omitted, 
                              ! data type of the dimension is used. 

    character(STRING):: name, longname
    character(TOKEN):: dim_units, dim_xtype
    integer:: dim_size
    integer:: stat, i
    character(STRING):: cause_c
    character(*), parameter:: subname = "HistoryAutoAddWeightInt"
    call BeginSub(subname, 'dim=<%c>', c1=trim(dim) )
    stat = DC_NOERR
    cause_c = ""

    ! 初期設定チェック
    ! Check initialization
    if ( .not. initialized ) then
      stat = DC_ENOTINIT
      cause_c = 'gtool_historyauto'
      goto 999
    end if

    do i = 1, numdims
      call HistoryAxisInquire( axis = gthst_axes(i), name = name, size = dim_size, longname = longname, units = dim_units, xtype = dim_xtype )      ! (out)
      if ( trim(dim) == trim(name) ) then
        if ( dim_size /= size(weight) ) then
          stat = GT_EARGSIZEMISMATCH
          cause_c = 'weight'
        end if
        if ( present(units) ) dim_units = units
        if ( present(xtype) ) dim_xtype = xtype
        call HistoryVarinfoCreate( varinfo = gthst_weights(numwgts + 1), name = trim(dim) // wgtsuf, dims = (/ dim /), longname = 'weight for integration or average in ' // trim(longname), units = dim_units, xtype = dim_xtype )           ! (in)

        call HistoryAxisAddAttr( axis = gthst_axes(i), attrname = 'gt_calc_weight', value = trim(dim) // wgtsuf )  ! (in)

        allocate( data_weights(numwgts + 1) % a_axis( dim_size ) )
        data_weights(numwgts + 1) % a_axis = weight

        numwgts = numwgts + 1
        goto 999
      end if
    end do

    cause_c = dim
999 continue
    call StoreError(stat, subname, cause_c = cause_c)
    call EndSub(subname)
  end subroutine HistoryAutoAddWeightInt
Subroutine :
dim :character(*), intent(in)
: 座標重みを設定する座標の名称.

ただし, ここで指定するもの は, HistoryAutoCreate の dims 既に指定されていなければなりません.

Name of axis to which "weight" are set.

Note that this value must be set as "dims" of "HistoryAutoCreate".

weight(:) :real, intent(in)
: 座標重みデータ.

データ型は整数, 単精度実数型, 倍精度実数型のどれでもかまいません. ただし, ファイルへ出力される際には, xtype もしくは座標データの型へと 変換されます.

Weight of axis.

Integer, single or double precision are acceptable as data type. Note that when this is output to a file, data type is converted into "xtype" or type of the axis.

units :character(*), intent(in), optional
: 座標重みの単位. 省略した場合には, 座標の単位が 使用されます.

Units of axis weight. If this argument is omitted, unit of the dimension is used.

xtype :character(*), intent(in), optional
: 座標重みのデータ型. 省略した場合には, 座標のデータ型が 使用されます.

Data type of weight of the dimension. If this argument is omitted, data type of the dimension is used.


Set weights of axes.


  subroutine HistoryAutoAddWeightReal( dim, weight, units, xtype )
    ! 座標の重みデータを設定します. 
    ! Set weights of axes. 

    use gtool_historyauto_internal, only: initialized, numdims, numwgts, wgtsuf, gthst_axes, data_weights, gthst_weights
    use gtool_history, only: HistoryAxisInquire, HistoryAxisAddAttr, HistoryVarinfoCreate
    use dc_trace, only: BeginSub, EndSub
    use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, TOKEN

    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: dim
                              ! 座標重みを設定する座標の名称. 
                              ! ただし, ここで指定するもの
                              ! は, HistoryAutoCreate の *dims*
                              ! 既に指定されていなければなりません.
                              ! Name of axis to which "weight" are set. 
                              ! Note that this value must be set 
                              ! as "dims" of "HistoryAutoCreate". 
    real, intent(in):: weight(:)
                              ! 座標重みデータ. 
                              ! データ型は整数, 単精度実数型, 
                              ! 倍精度実数型のどれでもかまいません. 
                              ! ただし, ファイルへ出力される際には, 
                              ! xtype もしくは座標データの型へと
                              ! 変換されます. 
                              ! Weight of axis. 
                              ! Integer, single or double precision are 
                              ! acceptable as data type. 
                              ! Note that when this is output to a file, 
                              ! data type is converted into "xtype" or 
                              ! type of the axis. 
    character(*), intent(in), optional:: units
                              ! 座標重みの単位. 
                              ! 省略した場合には, 座標の単位が
                              ! 使用されます. 
                              ! Units of axis weight.
                              ! If this argument is omitted, 
                              ! unit of the dimension is used. 
    character(*), intent(in),  optional:: xtype
                              ! 座標重みのデータ型. 
                              ! 省略した場合には, 座標のデータ型が
                              ! 使用されます. 
                              ! Data type of weight of the dimension. 
                              ! If this argument is omitted, 
                              ! data type of the dimension is used. 

    character(STRING):: name, longname
    character(TOKEN):: dim_units, dim_xtype
    integer:: dim_size
    integer:: stat, i
    character(STRING):: cause_c
    character(*), parameter:: subname = "HistoryAutoAddWeightReal"
    call BeginSub(subname, 'dim=<%c>', c1=trim(dim) )
    stat = DC_NOERR
    cause_c = ""

    ! 初期設定チェック
    ! Check initialization
    if ( .not. initialized ) then
      stat = DC_ENOTINIT
      cause_c = 'gtool_historyauto'
      goto 999
    end if

    do i = 1, numdims
      call HistoryAxisInquire( axis = gthst_axes(i), name = name, size = dim_size, longname = longname, units = dim_units, xtype = dim_xtype )      ! (out)
      if ( trim(dim) == trim(name) ) then
        if ( dim_size /= size(weight) ) then
          stat = GT_EARGSIZEMISMATCH
          cause_c = 'weight'
        end if
        if ( present(units) ) dim_units = units
        if ( present(xtype) ) dim_xtype = xtype
        call HistoryVarinfoCreate( varinfo = gthst_weights(numwgts + 1), name = trim(dim) // wgtsuf, dims = (/ dim /), longname = 'weight for integration or average in ' // trim(longname), units = dim_units, xtype = dim_xtype )           ! (in)

        call HistoryAxisAddAttr( axis = gthst_axes(i), attrname = 'gt_calc_weight', value = trim(dim) // wgtsuf )  ! (in)

        allocate( data_weights(numwgts + 1) % a_axis( dim_size ) )
        data_weights(numwgts + 1) % a_axis = weight

        numwgts = numwgts + 1
        goto 999
      end if
    end do

    cause_c = dim
999 continue
    call StoreError(stat, subname, cause_c = cause_c)
    call EndSub(subname)
  end subroutine HistoryAutoAddWeightReal
