About Lecture
List of slides
  1. Chapter 1 Mathematical Apparatus - 1.1 Specifying Basic States
  2. 1.2 Finite Difference Approximations (1)
  3. 1.2 Finite Difference Approximations (2)
  4. 1.3 Numerical Algorithm
  5. 1.4 Testing the Algorithm
  6. Exercises (1)
  7. Exercises (2)
  8. Chapter 2 Basics of Internal Gravity Waves - Supplemental reading:
  9. 2.1 Some general remarks on waves - 2.1.1 Group and signal velocity (1)
  10. 2.1.1 Group and signal velocity (2)
  11. 2.2 Heuristic theory (no rotation) (1)
  12. 2.2 Heuristic theory (no rotation) (2)
  13. 2.2 Heuristic theory (no rotation) (3)
  14. 2.2 Heuristic theory (no rotation) (4)
  15. 2.3 Linearization
  16. 2.4 Eliassen-Palm theorems (1)
  17. 2.4 Eliassen-Palm theorems (2)
  18. 2.4 Eliassen-Palm theorems (3)
  19. 2.4 Eliassen-Palm theorems (4)
  20. 2.4.1'Moving flame effect' and the super-rotation of Venus' atmosphere
  21. 2.5 Energy flux
  22. 2.6 A remark about 'eddies'
  23. 2.7 Mathematical treatment (1)
  24. 2.7 Mathematical treatment (2)
  25. 2.7.1 Shallow water limit and internal modes
  26. 2.7.2 Equivalent depth (1)
  27. 2.7.2 Equivalent depth (2)
  28. Exercise
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