2.2.6 Tone

NumRu::DCL.sgtnzu(upx,upy,itpat) Fills in a polygon in the UC.
NumRu::DCL.sgtnzv(vpx,vpy,itpat) Fills in a polygon in the VC.
NumRu::DCL.sgtnzr(rpx,rpy,itpat) Fills in a polygon in the RC.
NumRu::DCL.sgtnu(upx,upy) Fills in a polygon in the UC.
NumRu::DCL.sgtnv(vpx,vpy) Fills in a polygon in the VC.
NumRu::DCL.sgtnr(rpx,rpy) Fills in a polygon in the RC.
NumRu::DCL.sgstnp(itpat) Changes the tone pattern index.

Another inquire routine for parameters is sgqtnp.