Module RubyToken
In: parsers/parse_rb.rb

Definitions of all tokens involved in the lexical analysis


Public Class methods


     # File parsers/parse_rb.rb, line 270
270:   def RubyToken.def_token(token_n, super_token = Token, reading = nil, *opts)
271:     token_n = token_n.id2name unless token_n.kind_of?(String)
272:     if RubyToken.const_defined?(token_n)
273:       fail AlreadyDefinedToken, token_n
274:     end
276:     token_c = super_token
277:     RubyToken.const_set token_n, token_c
278: #    token_c.inspect
280:     if reading
281:       if TkReading2Token[reading]
282:         fail TkReading2TokenDuplicateError, token_n, reading
283:       end
284:       if opts.empty?
285:         TkReading2Token[reading] = [token_c]
286:       else
287:         TkReading2Token[reading] = [token_c].concat(opts)
288:       end
289:     end
290:     TkSymbol2Token[token_n.intern] = token_c
292:     if token_c <= TkOp
293:       token_c.class_eval %{
294:         def self.op_name; "#{reading}"; end
295:       }
296:     end
297:   end

Public Instance methods


     # File parsers/parse_rb.rb, line 112
112:   def Token(token, value = nil)
113:     tk = nil
114:     case token
115:     when String, Symbol
116:       source = token.kind_of?(String) ? TkReading2Token : TkSymbol2Token
117:       if (tk = source[token]).nil?
118:         fail TkReading2TokenNoKey, token
119:       end
120:       tk = Token(tk[0], value)
121:     else
122:       tk = if (token.ancestors & [TkId, TkVal, TkOPASGN, TkUnknownChar]).empty?
123:    , @prev_char_no)
124:            else
125:    , @prev_char_no, value)
126:            end
127:     end
128:     tk
129:   end


     # File parsers/parse_rb.rb, line 107
107:   def set_token_position(line, char)
108:     @prev_line_no = line
109:     @prev_char_no = char
110:   end
