Class RDoc::RI::ClassEntry
In: ri/cache.rb
Parent: Object


Public Class methods


    # File ri/cache.rb, line 8
 8:   def initialize(path_name, name, in_class)
 9:     @path_names = [ path_name ]
10:     @name = name
11:     @in_class = in_class
12:     @class_methods    = []
13:     @instance_methods = []
14:     @inferior_classes = []
15:   end

Public Instance methods

We found this class in more tha one place, so add in the name from there.


    # File ri/cache.rb, line 19
19:   def add_path(path)
20:     @path_names << path
21:   end

Return a list of all out method names


     # File ri/cache.rb, line 102
102:   def all_method_names
103:     res = {|m| m.full_name }
104:     @instance_methods.each {|m| res << m.full_name}
105:     res
106:   end


    # File ri/cache.rb, line 67
67:   def classes_and_modules
68:     @inferior_classes
69:   end

Return an exact match to a particular name


    # File ri/cache.rb, line 72
72:   def contained_class_named(name)
73:     @inferior_classes.find {|c| == name}
74:   end

Return a list of any classes or modules that we contain that match a given string


    # File ri/cache.rb, line 63
63:   def contained_modules_matching(name)
64:     @inferior_classes.find_all {|c|[name]}
65:   end

Return our full name


    # File ri/cache.rb, line 95
95:   def full_name
96:     res = @in_class.full_name
97:     res << "::" unless res.empty?
98:     res << @name
99:   end

read in our methods and any classes and modules in our namespace. Methods are stored in files called name-c|i.yaml, where the ‘name’ portion is the external form of the method name and the c|i is a class|instance flag


    # File ri/cache.rb, line 30
30:   def load_from(dir)
31:     Dir.foreach(dir) do |name|
32:       next if name =~ /^\./
34:       # convert from external to internal form, and
35:       # extract the instance/class flag
37:       if name =~ /^(.*?)-(c|i).yaml$/
38:         external_name = $1
39:         is_class_method = $2 == "c"
40:         internal_name = RiWriter.external_to_internal(external_name)
41:         list = is_class_method ? @class_methods : @instance_methods
42:         path = File.join(dir, name)
43:         list <<, internal_name, is_class_method, self)
44:       else
45:         full_name = File.join(dir, name)
46:         if
47:           inf_class = @inferior_classes.find {|c| == name }
48:           if inf_class
49:             inf_class.add_path(full_name)
50:           else
51:             inf_class =, name, self)
52:             @inferior_classes << inf_class
53:           end
54:           inf_class.load_from(full_name)
55:         end
56:       end
57:     end
58:   end

Return a list of all our methods matching a given string. Is is_class_methods if ‘nil’, we don‘t care if the method is a class method or not, otherwise we only return those methods that match


     # File ri/cache.rb, line 114
114:   def local_methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
116:     list = case is_class_method
117:            when nil then  @class_methods + @instance_methods
118:            when true then @class_methods
119:            when false then @instance_methods
120:            else fail "Unknown is_class_method: #{is_class_method.inspect}"
121:            end
123:     list.find_all {|m|;[name]}
124:   end

return the list of local methods matching name We‘re split into two because we need distinct behavior when called from the toplevel


    # File ri/cache.rb, line 79
79:   def methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
80:     local_methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
81:   end

Find methods matching ‘name’ in ourselves and in any classes we contain


    # File ri/cache.rb, line 85
85:   def recursively_find_methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
86:     res = local_methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
87:     @inferior_classes.each do |c|
88:       res.concat(c.recursively_find_methods_matching(name, is_class_method))
89:     end
90:     res
91:   end
