Class RDoc::Markup::LineCollection
In: markup/fragments.rb
Parent: Object

Collect groups of lines together. Each group will end up containing a flow of text.


Public Class methods


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 135
135:     def initialize
136:       @fragments = []
137:     end

Public Instance methods


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 172
172:     def accept(am, visitor)
173:       visitor.start_accepting
175:       @fragments.each do |fragment|
176:         case fragment
177:         when Verbatim
178:           visitor.accept_verbatim(am, fragment)
179:         when Rule
180:           visitor.accept_rule(am, fragment)
181:         when ListStart
182:           visitor.accept_list_start(am, fragment)
183:         when ListEnd
184:           visitor.accept_list_end(am, fragment)
185:         when ListItem
186:           visitor.accept_list_item(am, fragment)
187:         when BlankLine
188:           visitor.accept_blank_line(am, fragment)
189:         when Heading
190:           visitor.accept_heading(am, fragment)
191:         when Paragraph
192:           visitor.accept_paragraph(am, fragment)
193:         end
194:       end
196:       visitor.end_accepting
197:     end


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 139
139:     def add(fragment)
140:       @fragments << fragment
141:     end

Inserts start/ends between list entries at the same level that have different element types


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 284
284:     def add_list_breaks
285:       res = @fragments
287:       @fragments = []
288:       list_stack = []
290:       res.each do |fragment|
291:         case fragment
292:         when ListStart
293:           list_stack.push fragment
294:         when ListEnd
295:           start = list_stack.pop
296:           fragment.type = start.type
297:         when ListItem
298:           l = list_stack.last
299:           if fragment.type != l.type
300:             @fragments <<, l.type)
301:             start =, fragment.param, fragment.type)
302:             @fragments << start
303:             list_stack.pop
304:             list_stack.push start
305:           end
306:         else
307:           ;
308:         end
309:         @fragments << fragment
310:       end
311:     end

List nesting is implicit given the level of indentation. Make it explicit, just to make life a tad easier for the output processors


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 246
246:     def add_list_start_and_ends
247:       level = 0
248:       res = []
249:       type_stack = []
251:       @fragments.each do |fragment|
252:         # $stderr.puts "#{level} : #{} : #{fragment.level}"
253:         new_level = fragment.level
254:         while (level < new_level)
255:           level += 1
256:           type = fragment.type
257:           res <<, fragment.param, type) if type
258:           type_stack.push type
259:           # $stderr.puts "Start: #{level}"
260:         end
262:         while level > new_level
263:           type = type_stack.pop
264:           res <<, type) if type
265:           level -= 1
266:           # $stderr.puts "End: #{level}, #{type}"
267:         end
269:         res << fragment
270:         level = fragment.level
271:       end
272:       level.downto(1) do |i|
273:         type = type_stack.pop
274:         res <<, type) if type
275:       end
277:       @fragments = res
278:     end

If you have:

   normal paragraph text.

      this is code

      and more code

You‘ll end up with the fragments Paragraph, BlankLine, Verbatim, BlankLine, Verbatim, BlankLine, etc.

The BlankLine in the middle of the verbatim chunk needs to be changed to a real verbatim newline, and the two verbatim blocks merged


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 215
215:     def change_verbatim_blank_lines
216:       frag_block = nil
217:       blank_count = 0
218:       @fragments.each_with_index do |frag, i|
219:         if frag_block.nil?
220:           frag_block = frag if Verbatim === frag
221:         else
222:           case frag
223:           when Verbatim
224:             blank_count.times { frag_block.add_text("\n") }
225:             blank_count = 0
226:             frag_block.add_text(frag.txt)
227:             @fragments[i] = nil    # remove out current fragment
228:           when BlankLine
229:             if frag_block
230:               blank_count += 1
231:               @fragments[i] = nil
232:             end
233:           else
234:             frag_block = nil
235:             blank_count = 0
236:           end
237:         end
238:       end
239:       @fragments.compact!
240:     end


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 143
143:     def each(&b)
144:       @fragments.each(&b)
145:     end

Factory for different fragment types


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 154
154:     def fragment_for(*args)
155:       Fragment.for(*args)
156:     end

Tidy up at the end


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 161
161:     def normalize
162:       change_verbatim_blank_lines
163:       add_list_start_and_ends
164:       add_list_breaks
165:       tidy_blank_lines
166:     end

Tidy up the blank lines:

  • change Blank/ListEnd into ListEnd/Blank
  • remove blank lines at the front


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 318
318:     def tidy_blank_lines
319:       (@fragments.size - 1).times do |i|
320:         if BlankLine === @fragments[i] and ListEnd === @fragments[i+1] then
321:           @fragments[i], @fragments[i+1] = @fragments[i+1], @fragments[i]
322:         end
323:       end
325:       # remove leading blanks
326:       @fragments.each_with_index do |f, i|
327:         break unless f.kind_of? BlankLine
328:         @fragments[i] = nil
329:       end
331:       @fragments.compact!
332:     end


     # File markup/fragments.rb, line 168
168:     def to_s
169:       @fragments.join("\n----\n")
170:     end
