Class RDoc::Generator::Method
In: generator.rb
Parent: Object


Included Modules

MarkUp MarkUp

Public Class methods


     # File generator.rb, line 851
851:     def self.all_methods
852:       @@all_methods
853:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 851
851:     def self.all_methods
852:       @@all_methods
853:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 859
859:     def initialize(context, html_class, options)
860:       @context    = context
861:       @html_class = html_class
862:       @options    = options
864:       # HACK ugly
865:       @template = options.template_class
867:       @@seq       = @@seq.succ
868:       @seq        = @@seq
869:       @@all_methods << self
871:       context.viewer = self
873:       if (ts = @context.token_stream)
874:         @source_code = markup_code(ts)
875:         unless @options.inline_source
876:           @src_url = create_source_code_file(@source_code)
877:           @img_url = RDoc::Generator.gen_url path, 'source.png'
878:         end
879:       end
881:       AllReferences.add(name, self)
882:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 859
859:     def initialize(context, html_class, options)
860:       @context    = context
861:       @html_class = html_class
862:       @options    = options
864:       # HACK ugly
865:       @template = options.template_class
867:       @@seq       = @@seq.succ
868:       @seq        = @@seq
869:       @@all_methods << self
871:       context.viewer = self
873:       if (ts = @context.token_stream)
874:         @source_code = markup_code(ts)
875:         unless @options.inline_source
876:           @src_url = create_source_code_file(@source_code)
877:           @img_url = RDoc::Generator.gen_url path, 'source.png'
878:         end
879:       end
881:       AllReferences.add(name, self)
882:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 855
855:     def self.reset
856:       @@all_methods = []
857:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 855
855:     def self.reset
856:       @@all_methods = []
857:     end

Public Instance methods


      # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 998
 998:     def <=>(other)
 999:       @context <=> other.context
1000:     end


      # File generator.rb, line 998
 998:     def <=>(other)
 999:       @context <=> other.context
1000:     end

We rely on the fact that the first line of a source code listing has

   # File xxxxx, line dddd


      # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 1044
1044:     def add_line_numbers(src)
1045:       if src =~ /\A.*, line (\d+)/
1046:         first = $1.to_i - 1
1047:         last  = first + src.count("\n")
1048:         size = last.to_s.length
1049:         real_fmt = "%#{size}d: "
1050:         fmt = " " * (size+2)
1051:         src.gsub!(/^/) do
1052:           res = sprintf(fmt, first)
1053:           first += 1
1054:           fmt = real_fmt
1055:           res
1056:         end
1057:       end
1058:     end

We rely on the fact that the first line of a source code listing has

   # File xxxxx, line dddd


      # File generator.rb, line 1044
1044:     def add_line_numbers(src)
1045:       if src =~ /\A.*, line (\d+)/
1046:         first = $1.to_i - 1
1047:         last  = first + src.count("\n")
1048:         size = last.to_s.length
1049:         real_fmt = "%#{size}d: "
1050:         fmt = " " * (size+2)
1051:         src.gsub!(/^/) do
1052:           res = sprintf(fmt, first)
1053:           first += 1
1054:           fmt = real_fmt
1055:           res
1056:         end
1057:       end
1058:     end


      # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 1064
1064:     def aliases
1065:       @context.aliases
1066:     end


      # File generator.rb, line 1064
1064:     def aliases
1065:       @context.aliases
1066:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 916
916:     def aref
917:       @seq
918:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 916
916:     def aref
917:       @seq
918:     end

Returns a reference to outselves to be used as an href= the form depends on whether we‘re all in one file or in multiple files


     # File generator.rb, line 888
888:     def as_href(from_path)
889:       if @options.all_one_file
890:         "#" + path
891:       else
892:         RDoc::Generator.gen_url from_path, path
893:       end
894:     end

Returns a reference to outselves to be used as an href= the form depends on whether we‘re all in one file or in multiple files


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 888
888:     def as_href(from_path)
889:       if @options.all_one_file
890:         "#" + path
891:       else
892:         RDoc::Generator.gen_url from_path, path
893:       end
894:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 940
940:     def call_seq
941:       cs = @context.call_seq
942:       if cs
943:         cs.gsub(/\n/, "<br />\n")
944:       else
945:         nil
946:       end
947:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 940
940:     def call_seq
941:       cs = @context.call_seq
942:       if cs
943:         cs.gsub(/\n/, "<br />\n")
944:       else
945:         nil
946:       end
947:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 974
974:     def create_source_code_file(code_body)
975:       suffix = "html"
976:       suffix = "xhtml" if @options.template == "xhtml"
977:       template_regexp ="\\." + suffix + "$")
978:       meth_path = @html_class.path.sub(template_regexp, '.src')
979:       FileUtils.mkdir_p(meth_path)
980:       file_path = ::File.join(meth_path, @seq) + '.' + suffix
982:       template =
984:       open file_path, 'w' do |f|
985:         values = {
986:           'title'     => CGI.escapeHTML(index_name),
987:           'code'      => code_body,
988:           'style_url' => style_url(file_path, @options.css),
989:           'mathml_xsl_url' => style_url(file_path, "mathml.xsl"),
990:           'charset'   => @options.charset
991:         }
992:         template.write_html_on(f, values)
993:       end
995:       RDoc::Generator.gen_url path, file_path
996:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 974
974:     def create_source_code_file(code_body)
975:       suffix = "html"
976:       suffix = "xhtml" if @options.template == "xhtml"
977:       template_regexp ="\\." + suffix + "$")
978:       meth_path = @html_class.path.sub(template_regexp, '.src')
979:       FileUtils.mkdir_p(meth_path)
980:       file_path = ::File.join(meth_path, @seq) + '.' + suffix
982:       template =
984:       open file_path, 'w' do |f|
985:         values = {
986:           'title'     => CGI.escapeHTML(index_name),
987:           'code'      => code_body,
988:           'style_url' => style_url(file_path, @options.css),
989:           'mathml_xsl_url' => style_url(file_path, "mathml.xsl"),
990:           'charset'   => @options.charset
991:         }
992:         template.write_html_on(f, values)
993:       end
995:       RDoc::Generator.gen_url path, file_path
996:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 928
928:     def description
929:       markup(@context.comment)
930:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 928
928:     def description
929:       markup(@context.comment)
930:     end


      # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 1060
1060:     def document_self
1061:       @context.document_self
1062:     end


      # File generator.rb, line 1060
1060:     def document_self
1061:       @context.document_self
1062:     end

Find a filenames in ourselves or our parent


      # File generator.rb, line 1077
1077:     def find_file(file, method=nil)
1078:       res = @context.parent.find_file(file, method, @options.ignore_case)
1079:       if res
1080:         res = res.viewer
1081:       end
1082:       res
1083:     end

Find a filenames in ourselves or our parent


      # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 1077
1077:     def find_file(file, method=nil)
1078:       res = @context.parent.find_file(file, method, @options.ignore_case)
1079:       if res
1080:         res = res.viewer
1081:       end
1082:       res
1083:     end


      # File generator.rb, line 1068
1068:     def find_symbol(symbol, method=nil)
1069:       res = @context.parent.find_symbol(symbol, method, @options.ignore_case)
1070:       if res
1071:         res = res.viewer
1072:       end
1073:       res
1074:     end


      # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 1068
1068:     def find_symbol(symbol, method=nil)
1069:       res = @context.parent.find_symbol(symbol, method, @options.ignore_case)
1070:       if res
1071:         res = res.viewer
1072:       end
1073:       res
1074:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 904
904:     def index_name
905:       "#{} (#{})"
906:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 904
904:     def index_name
905:       "#{} (#{})"
906:     end

Given a sequence of source tokens, mark up the source code to make it look purty.


      # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 1006
1006:     def markup_code(tokens)
1007:       src = ""
1008:       tokens.each do |t|
1009:         next unless t
1010:         #    p t.class
1011: #        style = STYLE_MAP[t.class]
1012:         style = case t
1013:                 when RubyToken::TkCONSTANT then "ruby-constant"
1014:                 when RubyToken::TkKW       then "ruby-keyword kw"
1015:                 when RubyToken::TkIVAR     then "ruby-ivar"
1016:                 when RubyToken::TkOp       then "ruby-operator"
1017:                 when RubyToken::TkId       then "ruby-identifier"
1018:                 when RubyToken::TkNode     then "ruby-node"
1019:                 when RubyToken::TkCOMMENT  then "ruby-comment cmt"
1020:                 when RubyToken::TkREGEXP   then "ruby-regexp re"
1021:                 when RubyToken::TkSTRING   then "ruby-value str"
1022:                 when RubyToken::TkVal      then "ruby-value"
1023:                 else
1024:                     nil
1025:                 end
1027:         text = CGI.escapeHTML(t.text)
1029:         if style
1030:           src << "<span class=\"#{style}\">#{text}</span>"
1031:         else
1032:           src << text
1033:         end
1034:       end
1036:       add_line_numbers(src) if @options.include_line_numbers
1037:       src
1038:     end

Given a sequence of source tokens, mark up the source code to make it look purty.


      # File generator.rb, line 1006
1006:     def markup_code(tokens)
1007:       src = ""
1008:       tokens.each do |t|
1009:         next unless t
1010:         #    p t.class
1011: #        style = STYLE_MAP[t.class]
1012:         style = case t
1013:                 when RubyToken::TkCONSTANT then "ruby-constant"
1014:                 when RubyToken::TkKW       then "ruby-keyword kw"
1015:                 when RubyToken::TkIVAR     then "ruby-ivar"
1016:                 when RubyToken::TkOp       then "ruby-operator"
1017:                 when RubyToken::TkId       then "ruby-identifier"
1018:                 when RubyToken::TkNode     then "ruby-node"
1019:                 when RubyToken::TkCOMMENT  then "ruby-comment cmt"
1020:                 when RubyToken::TkREGEXP   then "ruby-regexp re"
1021:                 when RubyToken::TkSTRING   then "ruby-value str"
1022:                 when RubyToken::TkVal      then "ruby-value"
1023:                 else
1024:                     nil
1025:                 end
1027:         text = CGI.escapeHTML(t.text)
1029:         if style
1030:           src << "<span class=\"#{style}\">#{text}</span>"
1031:         else
1032:           src << text
1033:         end
1034:       end
1036:       add_line_numbers(src) if @options.include_line_numbers
1037:       src
1038:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 896
896:     def name
898:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 896
896:     def name
898:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 949
949:     def params
950:       # params coming from a call-seq in 'C' will start with the
951:       # method name
952:       if p !~ /^\w/
953:         p = @context.params.gsub(/\s*\#.*/, '')
954:         p ="\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
955:         p = "(" + p + ")" unless p[0] == ?( || p == ''
957:         if (block = @context.block_params)
958:          # If this method has explicit block parameters, remove any
959:          # explicit &block
961:          p.sub!(/,?\s*&\w+/, '')
963:           block.gsub!(/\s*\#.*/, '')
964:           block ="\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
965:           if block[0] == ?(
966:             block.sub!(/^\(/, '').sub!(/\)/, '')
967:           end
968:           p << " {|#{block.strip}| ...}"
969:         end
970:       end
971:       CGI.escapeHTML(p)
972:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 949
949:     def params
950:       # params coming from a call-seq in 'C' will start with the
951:       # method name
952:       if p !~ /^\w/
953:         p = @context.params.gsub(/\s*\#.*/, '')
954:         p ="\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
955:         p = "(" + p + ")" unless p[0] == ?( || p == ''
957:         if (block = @context.block_params)
958:          # If this method has explicit block parameters, remove any
959:          # explicit &block
961:          p.sub!(/,?\s*&\w+/, '')
963:           block.gsub!(/\s*\#.*/, '')
964:           block ="\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
965:           if block[0] == ?(
966:             block.sub!(/^\(/, '').sub!(/\)/, '')
967:           end
968:           p << " {|#{block.strip}| ...}"
969:         end
970:       end
971:       CGI.escapeHTML(p)
972:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 908
908:     def parent_name
909:       if @context.parent.parent
910:         @context.parent.parent.full_name
911:       else
912:         nil
913:       end
914:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 908
908:     def parent_name
909:       if @context.parent.parent
910:         @context.parent.parent.full_name
911:       else
912:         nil
913:       end
914:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 920
920:     def path
921:       if @options.all_one_file
922:         aref
923:       else
924:         @html_class.path + "#" + aref
925:       end
926:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 920
920:     def path
921:       if @options.all_one_file
922:         aref
923:       else
924:         @html_class.path + "#" + aref
925:       end
926:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 900
900:     def section
901:       @context.section
902:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 900
900:     def section
901:       @context.section
902:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 936
936:     def singleton
937:       @context.singleton
938:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 936
936:     def singleton
937:       @context.singleton
938:     end


     # File generator.rb, line 932
932:     def visibility
933:       @context.visibility
934:     end


     # File doc-tmp/rdoc/generator.rb, line 932
932:     def visibility
933:       @context.visibility
934:     end
